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Leden 2023
21. Led 2023
1 údržba
LilyBot is getting an update!
Vyřešeno 21. Led v 00:35 GMT
The 4.6.3 update is here, adding auto-publishing for news channels and fixing a few bugs! This maintenance period is just us updating to the new codebase.
20. Led 2023
1 údržba
Data security update
Vyřešeno 20. Led v 21:47 GMT
Lily's Database data will have its data security updated and improved
16. Led 2023
1 údržba
LilyBot is getting an update!
Vyřešeno 16. Led v 09:00 GMT
The 4.6.2 update is here, fixing bugs with role menus and supporting this page! This maintenance period is just us updating to the new codebase.