
Únor 2023
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Březen 2023
12. Bře 2023
1 údržba

Allium DB and Bot Maintenance


Vyřešeno 12. Bře v 18:19 GMT

Database is working again (with some loss sadly) so I would recommend setting the channels again. (may have accidentally wiped the db in the process of getting it running again)

1 předchozí aktualizace

08. Bře 2023
1 údržba

Allium Server change


Vyřešeno 08. Bře v 18:13 GMT

The transfer has concluded and I will monitor the results.

1 předchozí aktualizace

05. Bře 2023
1 údržba

Server Software Change


Vyřešeno 05. Bře v 15:00 GMT

Currently Lily's server runs Ubuntu, which uses more resources than necessary for Lily, leading to slower responses at times, so I will be taking some time to install Arch or Alpine Linux instead as it is lighter and more up to date. This downtime will take roughly 1 hour if all goes well

Duben 2023
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